Preventing Deaths from Coronary Artery Disease

What's Inside

1. Overview of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
2. CHD Precursors
3. Obstructive CHD
4. Nonobstructive CHD  
5. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
6. Prevention & Deliberate Outreach

About the Project

The purpose of this newsletter is to raise awareness for coronary heart disease (CHD) and its effects. By educating the audience, we aim to promote  a healthier, more balanced lifestyle to reduce the population’s chances of developing CHD. After reading our newsletter, we hope that the target population gains a greater understanding of how  important it is to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are the only actions a patient can take to  prevent arterial plaque buildup, which has very serious and sometimes permanent consequences to the patient’s cardiovascular health, including the possibility of death.

The target population that is trying to be reached is adults over 50 years of age. People of all ages and races can develop CHD, but its symptoms’ severity differ from person to person. More specifically, we are trying to reach American Indians and Alaskan Natives, who are fifty percent as likely to develop a severe form of the disease than the white population, and African-Americans who have the highest mortality rate of CHD than any other ethnic population. Additionally, areas of low socioeconomic status should be taken into consideration since these people are less likely to have access to adequate health care, treatments, and dietary needs.

Mind Map for Project