What to Know About Your Teeth As You Age

What's Inside

1. Aesthetic Dental Enhancements for Aging Smiles
2. Aging with Grace: Common Maladies of Aging Dental Patients
3. Dental Dysfunction and Dementia
4. How to Assist Aging Family and Friends in Getting Access to Dental Care
5. Food Options for Good Oral Health

About the Project

In this project, we aim to present information to people in middle age about their dental health as they get older. Often, as seen in former dental health project cycles, there is a lack of emphasis across the general public when it comes to preventing dental health issues. In this case, we will be targeting a population that is entering a period of their lives where dental issues become more prevalent. The main objective of this project cycle will be to present our materials and information in a new way, namely as a magazine format. Further, we are aiming to present information to a wider audience across an age bracket as opposed to a specific hyper-focused ethnic or low socioeconomic demographic. Main ideas to be covered are: how to approach dental aesthetics as one ages and begins to have oral health issues, what should be expected as one ages, lifestyle changes one can make to improve their dental health outcomes as they age, oral dysfunction and dementia risks, how to help aging loved ones with dental health services such as visiting dental services, and lastly, an interview (with a Q&A with a dentist).

Outreach Timeline

Biweekly Outreach Cycles: Planned for April 2024
Social Media Campaigns: Planned for April 2024